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GrantStation, offers nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies the opportunity to identify potential funding sources for their programs or projects.

GreenFile logo

Access to scholarly, government and general-interest titles that focus on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.

Inside the Library: click here. Outside the Library: click here.

Grolier Online logo

Informational articles and interactive, nonfiction multimedia for students of all ages.

History Reference Center logo available via EBSCOhost

Access to a comprehensive, full text, history reference database designed for secondary schools and undergraduate research. Features full text for 2,000 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books.

Inside the Library: click here. Outside the Library: click here.

JSTOR database

JSTOR provides full-text access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. 

Inside the Library: click here. Outside the Library: click here.

Library of Congress logo

Library of Congress Digital Collections provides access to digitized American historical materials and includes images, maps, manuscripts, prints, photographs, posters, sound recordings, motion pictures, books, pamphlets, and sheet music.

Literary Reference Center logo button powered by EBSCOhost

Access to information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and time frames. Specifically designed for public libraries, secondary schools, junior/community colleges, and undergraduate research.

Inside the Library: click here. Outside the Library: click here. logo

Information and resources on dozens on categories, including: American History, FInancial Literacy, Law and more.

Long Island Index: A Project of the Rauch Foundation logo

A local resource which provides statistical information and various studies about Long Island.

MasterFile Elite logo button

Access to full text magazines, journals, and reference books as well as photos, maps and flags. Search for Consumer Reports and more here!

Inside the Library: click here. Outside the Library: click here.