Hatchet by, Gary Paulsen

Hatchet by, Gary Paulsen.   What would you be expecting of a 13 year old boy? Maybe to be playing sports, hanging out with his friends, or maybe even to be studying for high school. But would you ever expect him to be trapped alone in the woods? Probably not. In the book Hatchet, By Gary Paulsen, the main character Brian is a 13 year old city boy. He has a very hard life, and he doesn’t think it could get any worse….  But it does. 

Brian’s parents divorced very recently and left Brian scarred. He misses his old life and wishes things can go back to normal. He was told that he would have to live with his mother most of the year and he could visit his father during the summer. The bad thing with living with his mother is that he now hated her because of the “SECRET”. Brian hopes to tell it to his father when he lands. Brian is on a plane to visit his father when, the pilot has a heart attack. It was very shocking to Brian. The pilot was there a second ago and he was now dead. Brian is forced to fly the plane and keep himself alive, in the Canadian wilderness. What Brian doesn’t know is that, the worse is yet to come. 

In the story hatchet, Brian is forced to pass many more obstacles, and make the right choices in life or death situations.


Book Review by Pravigna  

Published by on November 27, 2020
Last Modified July 16, 2024