Pythagoras: Mathematician and Mystic by Dimitra Karamanides and Louis C. Coakley

Pythagoras: Mathematician and Mystic by Dimitra Karamanides and Louis C. Coakley tells the life story of Pythagoras, an Ancient Greek philosopher most known for his Pythagorean Theorem. He was born on the wealthy island of Samos but traveled far and wide in order to acquire the knowledge of numerous ancient civilizations. When he returned to Greece, he wanted to set up a school there, but many people resisted his ideas. As a result, he traveled to Croton to set up a school. The school was shrouded in mystery and obtained more influence over time on the local government. Eventually, an anti-Pythagorean faction pushed Pythagoras out of Croton, where he eventually died. 

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Review by Ryan D.