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Catching fire by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire was a sequel to the original Hunger Games, and it continued the series in a very interesting way. In the last book, Katniss and Peeta had just become the first co-winners of the Hunger games. However, Snow and other leaders in the capital saw this as an act of rebellion and needed a way to stop the uprisings caused by the results of the games. So, the Capitol decides the next Hunger Games will be a special one, composed of previous winners. Since the games required male and female winners from each district, Katniss was automatically in the next Hunger Games.

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The Martian (Movie)

I think that this sci-fi movie is an amazing speculation of how humans today are constantly developing and challenging the means of nature and what we can accomplish. This movie is heavy on the abilities of the human mind to work through sticky situations. I had become very invested in this movie and seeing how Mark thrived through his situation. Even though it is not based on true events it is an outstanding theory to how humans may further develop on Mars and in space.

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Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

The book begins after the Hunger Games which takes place in the second book in the series (Catching Fire). Katniss Everdeen, the book’s main character, is in district thirteen (led by President Coin) which is now the base that is underground for the rebellion against the Capital and President Snow. Katniss and the others including her sister Prim, her mom, and Gale, Katniss’ hunting partner, and friend take classes and try to better themselves for the rebellion. However, Peeta Mellark, who was the co-Hunger Games winner with Katniss was captured after the games by the capital.

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The Distance From Me to You by Marina Gessner

The Distance From Me to You by Marina Gessner (pen name of Nina de Gramont) tells the story of McKenna, the protagonist of the novel, who decides to hike the entire length of the Appalachian Trail after hearing that her dad did the same. She had originally planned to hike with a friend, but when that friend mysteriously pulls out of the arrangement, McKenna is left by herself to survive in the wilderness. Then she meets Sam, who has taken to the Appalachian Trail to escape his troubled family.

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The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Game story is broken up into three books. The first book is The Hunger Games and takes place in a different universe where the United States of America is broken up into thirteen districts which all have different jobs to provide for the capital. Some of these include mining and farming. Each year for the entertainment of the rich in the capital, the Hunger Games takes place. From each of the thirteen districts, one female and one male is chosen to represent their district and have to fight to be the last one alive in a rural environment.

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Hatchet by, Gary Paulsen

Hatchet by, Gary Paulsen.   What would you be expecting of a 13 year old boy? Maybe to be playing sports, hanging out with his friends, or maybe even to be studying for high school. But would you ever expect him to be trapped alone in the woods? Probably not. In the book Hatchet, By Gary Paulsen, the main character Brian is a 13 year old city boy. He has a very hard life, and he doesn’t think it could get any worse….  But it does. 

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